Grasping the Moment: Kay Kaplan, Claudia Verciani, and Jon Koehler

July 1, 2021 – August 25, 2022

About this event

Our time on the earth is far too short. Shorter still are those moments of the good earth we memorialize in our mind. Such moments are those oh so comfortable and supportive occasions that render the individual reflective of the outer and irrelevant world. Such moments reveal the loving presence of the earth-our natural world.

To grasp such moments is the domain of the fine oil painter. Such highly talented people are the messengers of those divine moments at the ocean. They are the couriers of stillness in the desert. They allow us to breathe life into the walls of our homes and offices.

As such, La Playa Gallery cordially invites you to attend our new exhibition, “Grasping the Moment.”, which begins Tuesday, July 5, 2022. This exhibition is a wonderful review of the new paintings by local artists, Claudia Verciani,  Kay Kaplan, and Jon Koehler. A reception will be held Friday, July 15, 2022, from 5-8 p.m. for our artists. Mark your calendar today for this important show.