(NOV 11, 2016 – DEC 30, 2016)

La Playa Gallery is pleased to announce a new exhibition entitled “Flora Imagery in Art.” Because flora and floral imagery is an essential component of our very sense of health, we encourage you to treat yourself and a loved one to this unique show. A wine and cheese reception will introduce our featured San Diego artists: Hill&Stump, Kay Kaplan and Erica Putis.

Join us Friday, November 11, 2016 at 5:00 pm as we present a unique set of artworks sure to inspire and invigorate fresh introspection.

Does the very depiction of flora imagery enhance our human capacities to sense qualitative human characteristics such as grace and beauty? Or are colors, shape and shade more important stimuli?

Join us as we explore our common human thirst for the natural environment and its imagery. Our opening reception Friday, November 11, 2016 is from 5:00 – 8:00 pm at La Playa Gallery, which is in the heart of the Merchant District of La Jolla Shores. Regular gallery hours are Monday – Friday 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. For additional information, please call (858) 454-6903.